Merope Nebula
IC 349, also known as Barnard's Merope Nebula, is a nebula which lies 0.06 light years from the star Merope in the Pleiades cluster. IC 349 may be an example of a cold, dense, very small-scale condensation of the interstellar medium.. Further searches in the near-infrared also failed to show any evidence of an embedded protostar in the bright knot, showing only wavelength-dependent scattering of light consistent with the presence of very fine dust particles. Analysis of the nebula's space motion indicate it does not share the velocity and direction of the Pleiades, suggesting a chance encounter between the objects. Because IC 349 shares the velocity of molecular gas in the nearby Taurus Molecular Cloud complex, it may have originated there. IC 349 is now sufficiently close to Merope that its envelope is undergoing disruption by either the star's radiation pressure, a stellar wind, or both (which is nerd speak for the reeeeally bright light at the top of the image). This image was created from 3 subframes of different wavelengths from the Hubble WFC Planetary Camera 2 taken in 2014. These raw data files were downloaded from the Hubble Archive and processed using PixInsight. The Infra Red data was mapped to the 3 visual channels (F439 to Red, F555 to Green and F814 to Blue) to maximise the detail inside this amazing object
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