

NGC 604 is an H II region inside the Triangulum Galaxy. It was discovered by William Herschel on September 11, 1784. It is among the largest H II regions in the Local Group of galaxies; at the galaxy's estimated distance of 2.7 million light-years, its longest diameter is roughly 1,520 light years, over 40 times the size of the visible portion of the Orion Nebula. ⁣ ⁣ This image is a close-up version of yesterday's image produced from raw data downloaded from the Hubble Legacy Archive. This image was captured by Hubble's ACS camera which reveals much more detail in the core of this magnificent object. The Hubble F550 filter was mapped to Blue, the F658 filter mapped to Red and the F850 filter was mapped to Orange to extract some detail. ⁣ ⁣ Processed with PixInsight autointegrate


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