NGC 1929 (also known as ESO 56-EN107) is an open cluster associated with the emission nebula located within the N44 nebula in the Dorado constellation and part of the Large Magellanic Cloud. It was discovered by James Dunlop on August 3 1826. Its apparent magnitude is 14.0, and its size is 0.8 arc minutes (which is science speak for very dim and tiny). This image comprises 54 separate images, each 10 minutes long in the Hydrogen, Oxygen and Sulphur wavebands. These 54 images are stacked on top of each other to increase the signal and reduce the noise. The result is the lovely blue hues of the ionized Oxygen gas intermingled with the golden orange of the Hydrogen and Sulphur compounds. It may not smell too good, but it looks lovely. Raw data sourced via telescope.live
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