At a distance of 122 million light-years, NGC 5371 is a face-on Sbc barred spiral galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici. As an SBc galaxy, NGC 5371 looks similar to our galaxy, The Milky Way. NGC 5371 is also cataloged as NGC 5390. Just outside NGC 5371, at about 2 o'clock, is a bright blue quasar at magnitude 18.3. With a redshift of z = 1.595, its light travel-time is about 9.3 billion years. Image produced from raw data downloaded from the Hubble Legacy Archive. The Hubble F555 filter was mapped to Cyan and the F814 filter was mapped to Red to produce the separation between glowing gas (bluish green) and dust (dirty red) Processed with PixInsight
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