CG30, 31
CG30,31 is a cometary globule complex located in southern portion of the large Gum Nebula near the constellations of Vela and Puppis. Unlike the more famous nearby, cometary globule CG4, this is a complex of several globlues (CG30, CG31, CG38) and dark clouds.
As well as emiting in the visible spectrum, the area contains some very strong X-Ray emissions. This image was captured using Blue and Green filters as well as a Hydrogen Alpha filter (a reddish tint) and a wide band Luminance filter. Or LHaGB to the nerds out there.
But sometimes less is more - I just mapped the Ha to Red and the Green data to a Lime Green (0,255,0). This produced the deep Red Ha in some parts, some green in other parts and some golden yellow where the Red and Green coincide. Adding the Luminance layer in photoshop brightened and sharpened things up.
Image aligned, integrated and colour mapped by Arc Fortnight, original data downloaded from Telescope.live
2892 x 2892px
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