HH 490


Herbig-Haro (HH) object 490 is located in the L1617 molecular cloud. HH490 are found nearby the two well known HH 110 and 111 flows. HH 490 lies to the south of HH 110 and there is the posibility that they are members of the same outflow. The objects were originally discovered in the NIR, but their shock excited nature has been confirmed using spectra and optical images.

Noriega-Crespo et al. (2002) found two HH objects, HH 490 and HH 491, in the L1617 region. HH 490 is about 4 arcmin south of HH 110, and HH 491 is at a similar distance north of HH 110. These are likely to be more distant bow shocks related to the outflow activity associated with IRAS 05487+0255 and the HH 451 flow. ⁣ ⁣ This image was captured by Hubble in 1997 using the ACS Wide field camera.

This image produced from a composite of several raw data files using the F658 and F673 filters

Image produced from raw data downloaded from MAST: the Barbara A. Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes

Original image by ESA/Hubble, alignment, integration and colour mapping by Arc Fortnight.


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